Activities in ProvenceActivities to enjoy for themselves or to include in a tailor made program designed for you. To know more about those activities and to enjoy them with us send us a message. Check also the activities on the FRENCH RIVIERA here Family storiesFlamingos park in CamargueHorseback ride in CamargueHot air balloonCanoe ride under the Pont-du-GardElectric bike ride in the lavenderZoo VIPHome fragrance workshopTruffle huntMouth storiesCooking class with a chefMarket cooking classCooking class & spaHow to chocolateBecause we get thirstyGrape stompBlend your own winePic-nic in the vinesWine workshopsOn the waterCalanque boat tourAdrenaline rushBungee in the VerdonRafting & canyoningIn the airHelicopter tourGyrocopter tourMade in 1388Petanque & pastagaContact